Monday, 9 February 2015

Digging around my garden on BC Family Day and I found spring starting!

Daylilies coming up!
 The first tiny Cranbill Geranium leaves
 Hellebore -Lenten Rose
 One of my miniature roses
 These are partially decomposed hydrangea leaves.
 While cleaning out some leaves from my strawberry planter I found this little critter
 Our first crocuses are nearly blooming.


  1. This blog post reminds me of a favorite quote:"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.” ~ Pablo Neruda
    How true is that huh? I love the anticipation of a new season:) and the decomposed hydrangea leaves are AWESOME!! I want to start collecting them. Too pretty to leave in the garden.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I know, aren't the hydrangea's fabulous! Beauty in decay!

  4. BTW - not sure how some of your comments are posting twice.
